Governance for Microfinance: the cooperative benchmark?

In microfinance, corporate governance is often stressed both as a major risk and as a field where improvements are required. In practice, however, these "calls for action" are rarely developed and, like many other sectors, microfinance lacks clear frameworks for analysing how corporate governance is implemented and how it could be improved. The presentation aimed at clarifying these questions contrasting the case of savings and credit cooperatives with other types of microfinance institutions. An interesting debate at the start of the UN International Year of Cooperatives.

This topic was presented by Marc Labie, Associate Professor at the University of Mons (UMONS). He is also one of the co-founders and co-directors of the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi) based at the ULB and the UMONS. In 2011, he has co-edited, with Beatriz Armendariz, « The Handbook of Microfinance » published by World Scientific Publishing, focusing on why there are still mismatches between supply and demand in microfinance.


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